Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2

Happy Groundhog Day!
Groundhogs are cute.
One time I saw one up in a tree.
No one believed me though.
But just so you know, they can climb trees.
Crazy little land-beavers.

If I had a groundhog...
I would:
eat it
make it climb a tree
feed it Blowpops
name it Luthor.

Wouldn't that be a cute name for a groundhog?
I think so.
I'd put him on a leash and drag walk him around.

Except, I don't really want a one.
They look too much like beavers.
So when I took him out on his walks, people would make snide jokes about Lauren and her beaver.
And really, I can't take that kind of teasing.

Let's just say groundhogs are off the list of pets.
My pet crow still on though!
Can't wait to get non-stuffed animal Ronnie!


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