Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 19

I skipped another day again.

I haven't just written what I was thinking in a while.
I've just been putting pictures up.
Where's the fun in that?

Literally, there is nothing going on in my head.
I've been sitting here for like, 3 minutes and I still can't think of anything.

I'm going to ask Rachel for a topic to write about.

Rachel told me to write about this movie we watched earlier.
It's about this weird parasite that looks like black splinters, and they can take control of your body.
Some convict dude got his finger pricked by one, and it started taking over his arm.
So guess what?
They hacked off his arm to keep it from spreading.
Truly, truly, truly, one of the grossest things I have seen in a REALLY long time.
Worse than any Saw movie.
They cut through his skin and muscle to the bone, then proceeded to break the bone with a cinder block.
Rachel and I were screaming.
For realz.
Then, of course, he died in the end anyway.

I would be freaking mad if I got my arm chopped off, thinking I would survive it all, and then died.
That would just be a sucky day.

Anyways, that's how our afternoon went.

It's been a pretty uneventful day.

I almost choked on a Starburst a minute ago.
It was a red one.
And red were my favorites.

I'm done.

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