Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31

I skipped more days.
That's my b.

I bought a Cosmo magazine today.
Let's just say I now know 75 Very Naughty Moves to Try on a Man.
Yeah, guys.
So, watch yourselves.

Shall I find a picture that accompanies this topic?

That's pretty much all I have to say for today then.

Good night,
and big balls.
(A Wipeout reference, not pertaining in any way to Cosmo. Mostly.)

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 28

It seems like I can't keep up a blog.
The same thing happens when I try to keep a diary too.
I always skip days...or in this case months.
But we shall not dwell on the matter.

What am I thinking about right now?

Hot guys.
Six-pack abs.
Oli Sykes.
Jared Padalecki's ass.

Let's try this again.
What am I thinking about?

Tennis balls.
I'd kind of like to cut one open right now.
Then fill it up with something like jelly.
Don't ask me why.
These are just the thoughts that flit through my brain.

I'm wearing polka dot underwear right now.
They're red.

If I could change anything about myself, I would make my hands a centimeter smaller.
I think they would look more dainty that way.

I'm kind of cold.
I would hate to be a polar bear.
They have to spend so much time in the cold.
If I were a polar bear, I would swim to Hawaii.
I bet it's warm in Hawaii right now.

I need a sweater.
I'm going to put on a sweater.

So I just asked Rachel what I should talk about.
She first told me to talk about what a freak I am.
As if.
Then she told me to tell you how I dyed my hair a borderline obscene hair color (fiery orange with blonde streaks).
But I don't really want to discuss how some guy told me it was beautiful.
Yeah, I won't talk about how many compliments I've gotten about it.
Finally, she told me to discuss the various hot guys I've come across while at college.
(And here I thought I wasn't going to talk about hot guys. Oops.)

So, their names go as followed:

  1. Dining Hall Dean
  2. Smoking Hot Lip Ring Boy
  3. Big Hair Dude
  4. Skater Boy
  5. Abnormal Guy
  6. Beanie Boy
They all are painful cute (some exclusions applied: skater boy).

Dining Hall Dean has to be my favorite though!
I can't convey to you how hot he is.

In second place, we have a three-way tie between Lip Ring, Abnormal, and Beanie.
They all have a similar skater-ish style.
I don't really know how to describe it.
Suffice to say that they all are rocking it.

I won't really talk about the others because they just barely made it onto the list.

So be happy that I posted more.
I'll try to keep up from now on...maybe.